A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet

This key ring pendant figure is made from shrink plastic sheet. Black and white Uni Posca markers are used for decorating. Cut out the figure and make a hole at the top using revolving punch pliers and then shrink the figure in a warm oven.

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet


Use a black marker and draw a figure on white paper using your imagination. NB: use the A6 format.

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet


Place the shrink plastic sheet on top of the design and trace it using a black Uni Posca marker. You may fill in with white Uni Posca.

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet


Cut out the figure and make a hole at the top using revolving punch pliers for attaching it onto a key ring when finished.

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet


Place the plastic figure on a piece of baking paper on a baking tray and place it in a pre-heated oven at 160 C for approx. 45 seconds or until the figure has shrunk and unfolded again.

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet


Attach the finished shrink plastic sheet figure in a key ring as a pendant.

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet

Another variant

A Key Ring Pendant made from Shrink Plastic Sheet