This knitted scarf is made from strong quality wool. It is made in one of the four sizes, determined by the knitting loom. Finally, buttons are sewn on, so that the scarf can be fastened around the neck.
Use the light blue knitting loom from the four-part set and attach the wool onto the small peg on the side of the knitting loom. Now weave the wool in a zig-zag fashion inside and around each peg on the loom. (NB: you will need two colors, four balls of wool of each color, for the scarf).
Repeat the shown process.
Use the knitting hook (which is included in the knitting loom set) for lifting the lower loop over the top loop on each peg. First on one long side then the other. Turn the loom along the way.
Attach the wool to the peg at the outside of the loom when using the kintting hook. NB: Always keep working in the same direction.
Change to a new color wool after approx. 25-30cm by tying the "old" wool together with the new wool just before a new round on the loom.
When the new section is as long as the first section, cut the wool approx. 40cm from the peg. NB: There must be a loop left for each peg.
Finish by lifting the first loop on one of the long sides off the peg. Use the knitting hook.
Repeat and lift the loop off the opposite peg on the opposite long side.
Use your fingers and pull the loop at the back over the loop on the front. The loop on the front is on the knitting loop.
A finished loop.
Use the last loop for finishing by pulling the wool through it. Sew it onto the reverse of the knitted piece.
Use needle and thread to sew two buttons onto one end of the scarf. Now the scarf can be fastened at the opposite end simply by buttoning it through the loops.