Foam Rubber Print on a Canvas Panel

Scratch a design in foam rubber with a bone folder. Paint it black with A-Color paint. Press it against a canvas panel, painted with neon colours (has allowed to dry). Mount the canvas panel inside the frame. The frame has been painted black.

A neon-painted Canvas Panel with a black Print


Paint the canvas panel with A-Color paint, using different neon colours. Paint the frame with black A-Color gloss paint and allow to dry.

A neon-painted Canvas Panel with a black Print


Use a bone folder or a similar sharp object - eg. a knitting needle – and scratch a design in a piece of foam rubber. Use your imagination.

A neon-painted Canvas Panel with a black Print


Apply a coat of black A-Color gloss paint onto the scratched foam rubber design. NB: use a flat foam brush and only a small amount of paint.

A neon-painted Canvas Panel with a black Print


Press the black-painted foam rubber design agains the painted and now dry canvas panel.

A neon-painted Canvas Panel with a black Print


Glue the canvas panel with the print inside the frame. Use a glue gun.

A neon-painted Canvas Panel with a black Print


You may make a test print onto a piece of card beforehand to get a good idea of the correct amount of paint to use – to ensure the perfect print.