Pattern Dyeing Fabrics

Batik is a technique for pattern dyeing of fabrics. Especially cotton and silk.The technique originates from the Orient back in the 14th century and aims at covering certain areas where you do not want colour on the fabric. Patterns can be made with either elastic bands, strings, pegs or by sewing tacking stitches. The batik paint in our range can be used for dyeing in a water bath or in the washing machine. But no matter what, new fabrics should always be washed in a washing machine beforehand. NB! Additionally, you will also need disposable plastic gloves and 1kg fine table salt, which is sufficient/enough for 100 ml ES liquid batik colour and 200g ES batik fix medium.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Tie-dye pattern with elastic bands: wrap elastic bands tightly around small tufts in the fabric.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Tie-dye pattern with pieces of string: Tie pieces of string around small or large tufts in the fabric.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Tie-dye pattern with tacking stitches: sew tacking stitches on the fabric with a needle and thread.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Tie-dye pattern with pegs: Fold the fabric in small pleats and hold in place with pegs.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Tie-dye pattern with elastic bands and pegs at the same time: Wrap an elastic band around a small tuft of the fabric. Make a circle around this by making pleats, secured with pegs. This t-shirt shown also has pleats with pegs at the bottom and the end of the sleeves. Afterwards carefully wet the t-shirt.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Read the instruction of the batik colour thoroughly before you begin. Pour 45 C hot water in a tub. Adjust the amount of water by the weight of the clothes and the amount of colour and fix medium required. Stir well and place the wet textiles in the tub. Let the textiles soak for 30 minutes, stirring frequently, so the colour spreads evenly.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt


Use disposable plastic gloves, remove pegs, string etc. and rinse the fabric until the water is clean. Then wash the fabric with washing detergent in the washing machine at 60 C.

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt

An example

A Tie-Dyed T-Shirt