A Bird and a Cage for Hanging

Die-Cut Canvas Figures painted with Art Proff paint. A design is outlined with paint in a refill bottle with a fine tip. Sew together in pairs with polyester wadding between the two.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Paint the house in a light base colour.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Paint a darker colour on top. Let it dry for approx. 2 min.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Wipe off the excess paint – Rub with a cloth.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Print the design onto a piece of paper.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Paint the back of the paper with black Gallery Oil Pastel.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Transfer the design onto the canvas by placing the paper onto the canvas and then outlining the design with a pencil.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Draw on top of the pencil lines with paint in a refill bottle with a fine tip.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Paint the wood beads.

Bird Cages on a Canvas


Thread the beads onto a string and put the string between the two die cut canvas figures with a piece of polyester wadding – to give it body. Sew the two canvas figures together.

Bird Cages on a Canvas