This card series is made by attaching paper and card from the Color Bar series onto a blank greeting card and then decorate it with punched-out hearts, married couple wood stickers, a piece of natural hemp and dots made with a Pearl Pen.
Cut a piece of black card slightly smaller than the blank greeting card and a piece of dotted paper slightly smaller than the black card. Attach both onto the greeting card using double-sided adhesive tape.
Attach the married couple wood sticker to the punched-out heart using double-sided adhesive tape. Attach the heart onto the greeting card using 3D foam pads.
Decorate the greeting card by making dots with a Pearl Pen.
Use hole punch pliers for making a hole in the card and tie it together with a piece of natural hemp.
Table decoration: paint the edges of the papier-m ch letters with Plus Color craft paint. Cover the flat surfaces on the front and back with paper and decorate with hearts, a married couple wood sticker and a piece of natural hemp.
Paint the edges of the matchbox (except the striking side). Attach paper to the large, flat surface using double-sided adhesive tape. Decorate with a punched-out heart and a piece of natural hemp.