New simple cards with cut-out boot designs and bows with a 3D effect.
Draw the boot using the template and cut it out from Vivi Gade design paper. Cut out the heel and the toe in a different colour design paper.
Cut the back-ground from fibre paper – cut it slightly smaller than the actual card. Use pinking shears for cutting the fibre paper; it looks great. TIP: Place a piece of paper behind the fibre paper before cutting; then it's much easier to use the pinking shears.
Attach the fibre paper and the boot with double-sided adhesive tape and 3D foam pads.
Make a bow from a strip corresponding to the entire length of the paper (approx. 30cm) and approx. 1cm wide.
Attach a small piece of the strip around the bow to keep it together. Glue with a small blob of glue on the back.
Attach the bow to the boot with 3D foam pads. TIPS: if the design is attached upright, you may hang the card on a piece of string.