Ice and Snow Christmas Decorations made with Beads

Make your own ice crystals Beads. Sprinkle on glitter to give the crystals a more natural look. The sky's the limit. Buy a complete kit for many beautiful hanging decorations or purchase the items individually.

Christmas Decorations with Beads


Place Beads onto the peg board.

Christmas Decorations with Beads


Iron the Beads on the peg board (remember to place a piece of baking paper between the iron and the Beads). Let it cool and remove the Bead decoration from the peg boards.

Christmas Decorations with Beads


Apply a coat of hobby glue onto the finished Bead decoration.

Christmas Decorations with Beads


Sprinkle glitter in the wet glue.

Christmas Decorations with Beads


Shake off the excess glitter.

Christmas Decorations with Beads