Party Invitations

Colourful cut-outs combined, providing accessories for every celebration.

Cup Cake Invitations

Make festive invitations and place cards for a fun cup cake party.


Cut out the cake parts using the cup cake template.

Cup Cake Invitations


Assemble the cake with glue and 3D foam pads.

Cup Cake Invitations

Cup Cake Invitations


Make a hole in the cake with a hand punch and attach a brad.

Cup Cake Invitations


Attach ribbon with power tape.

Cup Cake Invitations


Glue the cake onto the card and finish by gluing on small colourful dots.

Cup Cake Invitations

See more examples

Free your imagination and make mobiles, menu cards, place cards and lots more with cup cakes.

Cup Cake Invitations

Cup Cake Invitations

Cup Cake Invitations