Eggs made from Paper Yarn wound around a Balloon

Each egg is made from paper yarn, wound around a balloon and glued in place. When dry, the balloon is punctured and a piece of string with a bead is attached for hanging.

Eggs made from wound Paper Yarn


Blow up the balloon to the desired size and tie a knot.

Eggs made from wound Paper Yarn


A 3m piece of paper yarn is moistened with water. NB: Adjust the length of the paper yarn according to the size of the balloon.

Eggs made from wound Paper Yarn


Wrap the moistened paper yarn around the balloon whilst applying Paverpol with a brush. Keep moisten the brush with water as well.

Eggs made from wound Paper Yarn


Let it dry for 24 hours and then puncture the balloon. Remove the balloon as well as any glue residue.

Eggs made from wound Paper Yarn


Attach a piece of string, decorated with a bead, for hanging the finished eggs.

Eggs made from wound Paper Yarn