Christmas Pine Cones with Snow and Moss

The pine cones have been decorated with modelling paste, with glitter sprinkled over and moss stuck on top. The pots have been decorated with star anise painted with metallic gold A-color paint.

Flowerpots with Pinecones


Brush fine modelling paste onto the pine cone.

Flowerpots with Pinecones


Sprinkle transparent glitter over the wet modelling paste.

Flowerpots with Pinecones


Paint the flower pot with matt A-Color paint.

Flowerpots with Pinecones


Paint the star anise gold with A-Color metallic paint.

Flowerpots with Pinecones


Glue the star anise to the pot with a glue gun.

Flowerpots with Pinecones


Stick pieces of moss in between the pine cone petals.

Flowerpots with Pinecones