Mark the text from the model to the Hard foil with a marker.


Cut out the letters with a knife. Cut out the holes in the O's with a scissor.


Ground the canvas with Spray Color in bright colours. Let it dry.


Apply non permanent adhesive on the back of the model. Let it dry until it is clear (10-15min) Use an old brush or sponge.


Stick the model un top of the picture and spray on Spray Color in darker colours. (Make sure that all the edges sticks to the canvas, so the colour won't get under. Remanber the hols for the O's! Let the hard foil cover the entire canvas) Let it dry. Repeat the spraying 3-4 times. Let it dry now and then.


If necessary, spray colour on a foam brush and at last dab to make sharp egdes. Let it dry.


Dry of the model carefully when the colours are completely dry.


Highlight the letters with Poster Hobby marker in black and make "glass stars" in white.


Make funny bubbles with red Poster Hobby marker.

This is a fun and cool activity, where you can make fine pictures for your room. Text, choice of colour and style can vary so it matches you.