Place cards made from recycled paper. Decorated with coloured card and a fishing rod made from bonsai wire, sewing thread and a felt fish.
Write the text on the computer before cutting out. Cut recycled card to size 12 x 12cm and fold in the middle. Make four waves in blue shades; 12 x 4cm – 12 x 3cm – 12 x 2.5cm – 12 x 2cm. Cut the top edge with a paper edger. Cut the name card in size 8.5 x 4cm and insert it into the waves. Make a fishing rod from a small piece of bonsai wire, attach a piece of sewing thread and finish with a fishing hook made by bending a ball head pin. Attach a small felt fish to the hook.
Cut recycled card to size 15 x 21cm. Fold at 5.25cm and 15.75cm. Cut the top 4/5 of the doors on both sides. First decorate the front: Cut card in various blue and white shades; 5.25 x 4cm - 5.25 x 3.5cm - 5.25 x 3cm. Cut the top edge with a paper edger and glue on the waves. Cut a crab with the shape cutter using the template and decorate with water droplets using Gloss Gel. Glue the crab and ribbons onto one side. Finish by hanging a buoy on the ribbon using a head pin. Then make the inside of the menu card: Start by making a life ring from a circle 6cm in diameter and two white strips which you glue on making a cross. Cut out the menu measuring 9 x 13cm. Cut a curve at the top using the shape cutter and the circle template. In various blue/white shades cut as follows; 9 x 3.5cm – 9 x 2.5cm – 9 x 2cm – 9 x 1.5cm. Cut the top edge with a paper edger and glue on these waves. Cut a ship and a sail and glue it on at one side.