Natural Eggs coloured with Crepe Paper

The natural eggs are each wrapped in coloured crepe paper, then in a piece of tulle and dipped in water, causing dying to take place.

Natural Eggs coloured by using Crepe Paper


Wrap the egg in one or two layers of crepe paper.

Natural Eggs coloured by using Crepe Paper


Place the wrapped egg onto a piece of tulle and gather this around the egg. Hold it in place with a rubber band or a piece of string.

Natural Eggs coloured by using Crepe Paper


Moisten the tulle bag (containing the egg) with water and leave to dry.

Natural Eggs coloured by using Crepe Paper


Remove the tulle and the crepe paper when dry.

Natural Eggs coloured by using Crepe Paper


Decorate a piece of flax twine with a bead and attach it to the hole in the egg, securing it with a glue gun.

Natural Eggs coloured by using Crepe Paper


Use Fixative if you want to fix the colours. The process is not recommend for children to carry out and should take place in a well ventilated room or outside.