A Neon-Coloured Summer Outfit with Printed Text

The T-shirt and the cap are decorated with Neon Textil Color fabric paint. The text is applied afterwards using letter foam stamps dabbed with Textil Color fabric paint. The outlining is made with a black Textile Marker.

Neon Textil Color Fabric Paint on a T-Shirt and a Cap


Attach masking tape on the front chest area of the T-shirt, marking the area for the decoration. NB! See the following instructions for decorating the T-shirt as well as the cap, using the T-shirt as the starting point. Put a newspaper or a piece of plastic inside the T-shirt, protecting the back in order to avoid smudging.

Neon Textil Color Fabric Paint on a T-Shirt and a Cap


Paint inside the masking tape area with Neon Textil Color fabric paint using a foam brush. Let it dry.

Neon Textil Color Fabric Paint on a T-Shirt and a Cap


Dab Textil Color fabric paint on the letter foam stamps and stamp your chosen word(s) on the neon-coloured area.

Neon Textil Color Fabric Paint on a T-Shirt and a Cap


Remove the masking tape. You may outline the frame around the print using a black Textile Marker.

Neon Textil Color Fabric Paint on a T-Shirt and a Cap


Fix the paint with an iron for approx. 5 minutes. Use a cotton setting on the iron and place a piece of baking paper between the fabric and the iron when fixing it.

Neon Textil Color Fabric Paint on a T-Shirt and a Cap

A Cap

Paint the cap with Neon Textil Color fabric paint. You decide how big an area you wish to paint. Stamp a text/word on top of the neon-coloured area using letter foam stamps and black Textil Color fabric paint.