Let's celebrate

Cards made in beautiful colours with Color Bar card and paper. The cards are decorated with self-adhesive rhinestones and flower sequins.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Tear a piece of pink card at the top and at the bottom, measuring approx. 11cm x the width of the card.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Attach a piece of dotted Color Bar paper the same width as the card x approx. 9cm onto the pink card using double-sided adhesive tape.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Cut a piece of Color Bar paper with circles on which there are 7 x 7 circles. Draw along the edge by placing this piece onto the dotted Color Bar paper. Cut 2 x 2 grooves horizontally on the dotted piece of paper at the top and bottom.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Cut the grooves open, creating two ribbon-like slots.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Print a photo and glue it onto a piece of pink card measuring 6.5 x 6.5cm.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Attach this piece of card with the photo onto the card with double-sided adhesive paper.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Fix the photo frame in the two slots.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Attach flower sequins with 3D foam pads.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Attach self-adhesive rhinestones.

Pink Color Bar Cards


Make the menu card the same way only with a few variations.

Pink Color Bar Cards


The same materials have been used for the place card.

Pink Color Bar Cards