Scary Masks

These Papier-m ch masks are painted with a mixture of Pop Up Liner and A-color matt and then heated with a heat gun, so the colour puffs up.

Scary Masks

Teeth are then made from Silk Clay and the spooky eyes are either Foam Clay attached to a piece of card behind the eye sockets or cotton balls. It's easy to staple some fabric onto the edge of the mask with a stapler. These masks, draped with fabric, can be hung – and the plot thickens ... inside and out... wooo-ooo!


Paint a papier-m ch face mask with a 50/50 mixture of pop up liner and A-color matt.

Scary Masks


Make teeth from Silk Clay and attach directly onto the mask. The eyes can be made from Foam Clay. Place a bit of cardboard behind the eye sockets so the Foam Clay does not fall out when drying.

Scary Masks


Staple black fabric onto the edge of the mask with a stapler. You may hang the ghost in a piece of string.

Scary Masks