Christmas Decorations

Wise men made from self-hardening clay. Decorated with Plus Color Craft Paint. Special effects are made with Crackle Lacquer.

Wise Men from the East


Make the body by rolling a piece of clay into a cone shape.

Wise Men from the East


Seal the joint at the back and shape the head.

Wise Men from the East


Shape a beard and a nose and attach. Use a small amount of water and remember to keep the clay moist with a damp cloth.

Wise Men from the East


Shape the cape using the same procedure as the body and lay over the body adjusting it. Use a palette knife for cutting the edges neatly.

Wise Men from the East


Make the head band from a long clay cylinder, shaping it decoratively in the front. Let the figure dry.

Wise Men from the East


Paint the entire figure with Plus Color dark grey. Let it dry.

Wise Men from the East


Apply Crackle Lacquer and let it dry (max. two hours).

Wise Men from the East


Now paint with Plus Color off white and the paint will crackle immediately.

Wise Men from the East