Sculptural birds in Paverpol

Wonder chicks made on a metal skeleton, wound with tinfoil and cotton twine. Painted with Paverpol and decorated with a Cernit beak.


Make a skeleton from two stub wires.


Make the body with crumpled up tinfoil.


Use masking tape to hold the parts together.


Mix Paverpol and Paver Color. Moisten the twine in Paverpol and wrap it around the skeleton. Finally brush on Paverpol.


Cut the ends of the stub wire at the neck and glue on the cotton balls with Paverpol. Glue on two balls firm as breasts and paint the cotton balls with Paverpol.


Shape a beak in Cernit and attach it using Paverpol. Glue one leg into the hole in the metal base with a glue gun.


The "wings" are made by hanging twine over the sculpture's arms. Trim these when dry.