MACHINE & HAND cut files Included! Cute Heart top gift box. Graphics: Cut from your own papers for other occasions.
Graphics Credits
The ZIP download will include 300 DPI printable sheets and a PDF for Hand cutting or creating a print n cut for your machine. A PLAIN SVG file for use with your Electronic Cutting Machine and your patterned papers. File/s can be resized within your software/machine limitations. Please be sure your cutting software program will open/import one of the file formats offered before purchase.
You may sell tangible items created from my files. Please do NOT share or sell the actual file. Happy cutting!
The Designer accepts total responsibility for this product, its use and any copyright issues that arise.
Multi Zip File Contains: SVG,PDF,ScanNCut
088 Truffle Heart Top Box HAND and MACHINE Formats
CategoryCutting Files / Boxes & Bags / Gift Boxes
OccasionMiscellaneous/Other / Miscellaneous
Keywordsbox, love, heart
Card Verses461 available in Miscellaneous