The ZIP download will include PDF for HAND cutting and FCM-GSD-MTC-SCAL-STUDIO-SVG and WPC files for use with your Electronic Cutting Machine. File/s can be resized within your software/machine limitations. Please be sure your cutting software program will open/import one of the files before purchase.
You may sell tangible items created from my files. Please do NOT share or sell the actual file. Happy cutting!
241 Fry Treat Box
Photographs from the Community
To make this cut box, I used some double sided paper and my electronic machine. Once cut, the box simply folds up and is then glued together. (When gluing, take care not to glue exposed areas!) I have then added some embellishments to the front. I have also added some holes and ribbon to mine so I can hang on a door knob and then fill with candy.
These would be great cut in heavy card, lined with grease proof paper and then used at kids parties for snack foods