Goldstar Available

Heart Paper #1 *Size A4

$2.53 USD
Designer Resources / Backgrounds / Romance
Valentines & Romance / Valentines Day
valentine, heart, pink, cu4cu, paper
Card Verses
373 available in Valentines Day
Ref #
File Size
10.95 MB
In Wishlist
2 times
Uploaded on
Jan 17, 2017
Download available immediately after purchase

8 wonderful CU4CU heart designed papers.

REGARDING Designer Resources you may use my designs to create and sell a new PU digital product under your own name. You must make it part of your design and not all of your design. However you cannot use them in part or in whole as a Designer Resource. Therefore my products are CU, not CU4CU. This policy supersedes any TOU I have packaged within the file.

The Designer accepts total responsibility for this product, its use and any copyright issues that arise.

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