Christian Crosses with Daffodil Flowers
You will receive :: 9 cross clip art/graphics (2240x2660 in size) - all graphics will come in .png transparent file format.
PU/S4H/S4O/CU uses allowed!
YES! You can use these for non-commercial and commercial use. Use this to decorate or design your project (digital or printed). You can sell what you created using these graphics (only sell them for personal use)
NO! You can NOT add to kits as is. This is NOT a resell product. This is not a cu4cu product. You can not share or resell/sell these graphics. Use these to make something new. Do not put my graphics on a basic color background to sell as a pattern, backing paper, background or as a designer resource. Use my products to decorate (add design) to your project. Do not give your customers my products as you received them. And most of all - do not compete with me. If you are not sure if your project is allowed - contact me first before purchasing.
© MarloDee Designs :: Please credit me.