News & Updates from Gill Dean

1 Result
Aug 11, 2017
What A Way To Spend A Birthday

I used to attend regular crafts fair at a local garden centre near to Jodrell Bank, then the centre was bought by another company, and they then leased the space used by the craft fairs to someone else, meaning no more craft fairs.

The lady who used to organise them gave the crafter names and details to a young man who showed an interest in running craft fairs, and on Saturday 29th July, which also happened to be my birthday, I attended a craft fair at a local civic hall, which was organised by the new gentleman.There were about 25 stalls, and because there was a nearby farmers market on the same day, we expected quite a good footfall, the day started out well but even though the footfall was regular, not as many people as anticipated came to look around.

I was selling cards made from Craftsuprint downloads, and even though I got loads of lovely comments I did not sell anything which was a blow and very disheartening.

The only excitement and highlight of the day (if you can call it that) came when the chair I was sitting on broke and I landed on the floor with a massive bang, I took my time getting up with the assistance of three handsome men, being careful not to damage my new hip, and, apart from having a bruised and battered ego all was fine and left only a little stiffness the next day.

The funny part came after the fall when one of the stallholders gave me 10 for effort and 10 for artistic expression.

The stall next door was selling a cross between a cupcake and a muffin – and he gave me half a dozen for my birthday, in raspberry and oreo, black forest gareaux, baileys irish cream flavours, and they were yummy.

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