This seller currently has 2 unanswered support requests and 7 open support requests. They have received a total of 8 support requests since September 20, 2016, of which 1 have been successfully closed. If support is important to you then you may find this information helpful.

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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Requests

Gallery: Tall Roses Anniversary 4

May 19, 2024 6:31 PMEmlie Montoro

I love your card. Can you make this same card and change the words for a Birthday card instead of and Anniversary card?

View all 2 messagesA little help please

August 31, 2023 8:09 PMSandra Mason Mason

I am going to purchase the stained glass flower birthday set. I have never bought anything from this site before. Are these files meant to be layered with foam stickies like decoupage? Just wondering what else I can do with the files. Thank you.

what paper weight would I need

July 1, 2022 3:22 AMAnna Rhodes

Im totally new to stuff like this. What would be a good thick weight of paper to use to make these so they are not flimsy


October 26, 2021 2:06 PMMrs C Phillipps

I am confused about making this card - what is the "faded" sheet for please?

View all 2 messagesHeavenly Christmas Scalloped Pocket Mini Kit #1

October 7, 2021 7:00 PMSandra Keesen

I am confused as to making this card. Can you provide me with instructions.

I tried to follow the instructions for Scalloped Pocket Card but I am still

having trouble.

View all 5 messagesMotor car 12 x 12 sheets

March 1, 2021 7:52 AMElaine Sheldrake

Sorry Helen, but this is not allowed, it is a direct copy of my design.. These sheets are only to be used as a backing paper for a part of your card design, or as a background part of a scrapbook page, not sold as is! Please remove these sets for CUP and from anywhere else you may have advertised them. You are in breach of copyright to use them for this purpose.

Kindest regards,


View all 2 messagesPaper

October 28, 2020 7:21 PMRosemarie Altringham

Hello Helen, Love the card. Can l ask what paper you use to print the images. Many thanks, Rosemarie

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Requests