News & Updates from Janet Roberts - Pink Gem Designs

Showing 1 - 5 of 57 News Items
Nov 2, 2018
Christmas Toy

I took my little dog Millie to Vets4Pets for her yearly booster and check up yesterday. The young vet who came from the US made a real fuss of her and gave her lots of kisses and cuddles.

She passed her health check with flying colours and was really good when he gave her an injection. On the way out through the store she stopped and helped herself to a grunting Christmas pig. I took her to the till to pay for it much to the amusement of the staff and other shoppers

May 19, 2017
Reservoir Walk

Last Sunday we took the two youngest grandchildren for a walk around Wayoh reservoir. They had so much fun climbing trees and paddling in the water in their wellies.

Jack found a stick that looked like a fishing rod so he was in his element trying to catch a fish to take home for tea!

The weather was beautiful and I managed to get some fantastic photos of them. I feel a scrap book page could be in the making :)

May 5, 2017

12 years ago we moved to Worcestershire from Lancashire due to my husbands work. Our children were grown up and stayed in Lancashire. We missed them so much and even though Worcestershire is a lovely part of the country I soon became homesick.

Last year my hubby got chance to take early retirement .... a dream come true! We moved back to Lancashire at the end of march to a rented property while we find another house to buy.

Still got another move to go through soon but at last I am back with family and friends.

Here is a photo of me and our two youngest grandchildren enjoying the sunshine in Burrs Country Park a couple of weeks ago

Dec 8, 2016
Millies New Coat

The weather has been so cold recently we decided to buy Millie a Winter coat to keep her nice and warm on our walks.

She wasnt too impressed at first and she walked sideways like a crab across the living room floor.

Once we got the lead on she was too excited about her walk and she forgot about the coat. Here she is pictured on her walk looking a very smart little girl!

Oct 21, 2016
New House

Next year we will be moving back to Lancashire to be near our family. We moved to Worcestershire with hubbys work 12 years ago. Hubby has now taken early retirement so we cant wait to go back north to be near our children and grandchildren.

Our new house will be ready at the end of January 2017. When we reserved our house there wasnt much to see as the builders had just knocked down a derelict mill and cleared the land ready to build.

A few months has passed since then and last week we went up for a look.

We were amazed to see our new house now standing there in front of us although it still needs a lot more work doing!

Showing 1 - 5 of 57 News Items