This seller currently has 1 unanswered support requests and 1 open support requests. They have received a total of 2 support requests since November 5, 2020, of which 1 have been successfully closed. If support is important to you then you may find this information helpful.

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1 Result

My Little Unicorn

November 5, 2020 8:39 AMEliza Brown

Hi Jayne,

Thank you for purchasing My Little Unicorn and showing your finished card on my gallery. While I was reading how you made the card I noticed you had a problem with the envelope. I took a look at the zip file this morning and realised I loaded 2 fronts and not a back to the envelope into the zip file. I am sorry about that and I have just rectified it by adding the correct sheet to the file and I have reloaded it on to the site. It has to clear admin so if you wish to download the corrected version it should be available by tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding

Regards Eliza

1 Result