News & Updates from MORAG HAMILTON

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 News Items
Dec 20, 2020
My Friends Christmas Card.

My friend is also a work colleague. He loves Christmas and cant wait to get the tree up. He is first to get the tree up and decorated. He also has an amazing sense of humour, so when I seen this card I thought it was perfect for him.

Also it helps with how we are coping with the current issues that we are all struggling with. I hope that this will cheer him up as we get to celebrate Christmas.

Dec 20, 2020
Christmas Card For The Boss.

I felt that I would like a really nice card for my boss and her family. I feel this is fitting the bill very nicely. It looks like the way to celebrate the special time with her family.

This is a very nice card and easy to achieve, to complete this one for me it was simple and quite quick as well.

I would recommend this to anyone.

Dec 20, 2020
Family Christmas Card

We have recently suffered a family bereavement and not knowing what kind of Christmas card to send, I seen this one and felt it is more appropriate.

I felt it was not just a Christmas card but it also has a good balance for this time as we still need to remember it is still a special time of year for all the family.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 News Items