This bracelet will take time but is fairly simple to make and with practice and high quality materials, will look professionally made.
Cut a length of wire about 10cm long (it easier to work with at this length and you will be able to make quite a few links from it).
Form a small loop at one end of the wire.
Thread a bead or group of beads onto the wire.
Cut the wire about 1cm from the last bead.
Bend the straight end of the wire (after the beads) into a loop. This is the first link for your bracelet.
Continue to make links in the same manner until you have enough to make your bracelet.
Join the links together directly, or use jump rings to fasten them together.
Add your clasp when your bracelet is long enough to almost fit around your wrist. Join the clasp with a jump ring at one end of your bracelet and use a larger jump ring on the other end of the bracelet which your clasp will fasten to.
- Be careful when cutting wire as the pieces will be sharp.
Things You'll Need
- Jewellery wire (24 gauge or below works best)
- Beads of your choice
- Clasp
- Round nosed pliers
- Wire cutters