Metal Working is fun and a great hobby, but you can't metal work without a forge. There are many types of forges: Gas, coal, coke, propane, and many more but the one this article discusses is charcoal.


  1. Start by digging a foundation about 3-4 inches deep and 9-12 inches around.
  2. Put a piece of wood on top of your foundation then make sure it's level.
  3. Put a large brick at the bottom of your forge.
  4. Build the forge to the desired height and length. Leave a hole for the bellows.
  5. If you're making a brick forge, cover the top.
  6. Heat it up. Before this make sure is fairly structurally sound.
  7. For the bellows you can use a leaf blower with a metal pipe and a variac that allows you to limit the voltage and select how fast it blows.
  8. Start your fire.
    • Your fire does not need to be big just some kindling and paper.
    • Wait till it's really going then add two handfuls of charcoal (big handfuls).
    • Close the top and turn your leaf blower (or other form of bellows) to a light breeze.
    • When it is ready the charcoal will glow a bright red or mid yellow.
  9. Turn your bellows down a bit and plunge in your metal.


  • You can use BBQ charcoal.
  • Don't build your forge on grass.
  • Keep your forge fairly tight with only two holes, one for air and one for air to get out.
  • When you are adding more charcoal to the forge, turn off your bellows, then take off top brick and add desired amount then put brick back on and turn bellows on.


  • The bricks get hot and inside it's hotter +2000F.
  • Wear safety glasses and gloves at all times around the forge.

Things You'll Need

  • Bricks
  • Wood
  • Charcoal
  • Bellows (i.e. hair dryer, leaf blower)
  • safety Glasses and gloves