Do you want to make a fairy house cheaply? If you do, there is lots of information here.


  1. Use an empty margarine tub or similar plastic container so the water cannot get in. It can be as big or small as you'd like. Cut a door in the side with scissors.
  2. For furniture you can use paper made into tables or chairs, or you can use doll furniture. Be creative when designing the interior. A matchbox could be a table or a dresser. A milk carton might be a closet. Make tiny mirrors by taping circles of aluminum foil onto the sides of the walls. A small box lined with cotton could be a bed, with a scrap of fabric as a blanket. You don't have to buy anything, just work with what you have. The possibilities are endless! Here are some more ideas:

  3. The rest is up to you! Decorate the house anyway you want!
  4. Finished.


  • Fairy houses are traditionally placed outdoors, especially in wooded areas. Try not to place the house in a particularly busy or windy area.Place a rock on top of it so it doesn't blow away in case.
  • Don't buy anything to make the house. Take a moment to look around your house, particularly the kitchen or recycling bin, for useful objects.


  • Be careful when making a hole as a door, as you may cut yourself.
  • Wash all containers that contained food thoroughly. Bits of food left in tubs, bottles, or jars may grow harmful bacteria if left to rot or collect mold.