How to create your own ping pong paddles.


  1. Research the Materials Used to Make a Paddle. Try searching on the internet. You can also try reading a book about cutting wood and working with wood.
  2. Ask Someone you Know if They are Good with Wood Work. Find out if anyone in your family or friends know how to work with wood.
  3. Ask Someone you Know you are Willing to Pay for Their Service. If you do happen to find someone who can make the paddles for you, make sure you pay. It's worth it you can save yourself the work and headache.
  4. Sketch out How you Want the Paddles Designed. It's a good idea to have something in your mind or drawn out. This way the maker of the paddles will know exactly what you want.
  5. You can try Learning how to Make the Paddles Yourself. You can save some money and replace it with time. You can take time out and learn how to do the paddles yourself.
  6. Take a Course on Wood Work at your Local Community College. You can sign up for a class that has to do with wood. It would help if you also took a course on carpentry so you get an idea of how to shape and cut the wood.


  • If the paddles you want are made of plastic then have them ordered from the manufacturer. Once its delivered to you then start designing the paddles the way you want . Its sort of like customizing your own paddles as oppose to making them from scratch.sand what you did to remove splinters