Ever want to get back at someone but don't want to get in too much trouble? Here's a solution.
Buy some fish supplies- a fish tank air pump, the smallest one will do, some rubber tubing, and an air stone (the little cylinder thing that makes the bubbles).
Recommended Materials
Hook it up. Attach the tubing to the air stone on one end and the pump on the other.
- Fill a container of any size (water bottle, tea kettle, toilet, etc.) with water and a couple squirts of liquid hand soap, no need to mix.
Insert the air stone into the container.
Like This
- Place container away from pump and other electric devices.
Plug it in. Most air pumps don't have switches. Just plug it in.
Look! There's James' Hand!
Figure out somewhere to put it.
Look At The Pretty Bubbles!
- Use about four squirts of soap per quart/liter of water.
- A water bottle's worth of the fluid will last about 15 minutes before the water gets below the air stone. Make sure the air stone is all the way at the bottom of the container for best results.
20 Minutes With The Larger Container Pictured Above Fills a Sink
- If you're putting it in an office environment(like a desk drawer), make sure to remove anything that could be damaged by the soap and possibly spilled water like important documents.
- You're dealing with water and electricity. Water conducts electricity. Just don't be stupid.