Here is how to make a flower pot without buying one at the store! All you need is an empty soda can and some simple bits and pieces from around the house.
Open and empty the soda can.
Cut a hole in the top of the can that is big enough for the plant to fit in it.
Cover the can with construction paper.
Color and decorate your covered can with your decorating supplies.
Stick the plant into the pot and give to someone special. Before you give it, pour out much soil. If it is a small potting plant, you will not need to water or care for it. It most likely will only need sun.
Also make sure that you leave it in the sun for a while. Leave in sun for about 4 weeks with no care, before you give it to someone.
- Use sharp scissors and wash out can before using it.
- All plants require water. The small size of a soda can requires a very small amount of water. Too much water and the roots of your plant will rot.
- Make sure you don't cut yourself with the scissors or the can when it is already cut open.
Things You'll Need
- Soda can.
- Stickers.
- Fake jewels.
- Scissors.
- Colored pencils.
- Construction paper.