Do you love to design stuff with a Sharpie here is how.


  1. First get construction paper and a fine point black Sharpie to design with. If you can't find any construction paper just use copy paper.
  2. Start by writing out marker with your black Sharpie marker and show your friends what you have created with your black Sharpie. It has to look good and not messed up.
  3. Now get another sheet of paper then do it in pen then write pen on the paper. Then you can show them your art work in a folder so then it does not get ruined then you can show them what you did with your marker and pen. If you ruined your papers then you are out of luck.



  • You can show your friends how to make some of the designs and how to show them off


  • You may start coughing from the smell because it is strong

Things You'll Need

  • black Sharpie
  • copy or construction paper
  • pen