Fabric markers can be a sewer's best friend as they provide guidance and delineation with great ease. Today's fabric markers have moved on from the tailor's chalk of yore but the variety can confuse, so here are some tips to help you make the right choice.


  1. Use water-soluble pens for see-through designs. These pens work well when tracing a design onto a fabric through which the design shows. This type of pen is good for fine fabrics such as organza, fine cotton (lawn), and organdy.


  2. Use invisible markers where it will be hard to remove the line by covering with a design. These markers have the advantage of fading away a few days after they are used on fabric. The disadvantage is that if you're slow to sew, your lines will disappear.
  3. Use iron-on pens for opaque fabrics. These are water soluble and come in either a once use or multiple use version. When using this, make sure that you have reversed the design.
    • If using an iron-on pencil, keep it sharp for fine lines.
  4. Check the pen carefully. Before using any fabric marker, check that it is working properly and that it is fresh. It should have a firm tip, not a fuzzy tip. Fuzzy tips will cause the marker to run on the fabric.



  • These items should be available from craft stores and stores that stock craft, sewing, or handicraft items.
  • Dressmaker's carbon is still a good transfer option, along with tailor's chalk.


  • Always check the instructions to ensure suitability for use on the fabric you're sewing. In addition, be sure that the removal instructions are suitable for the fabric you're using.

Things You'll Need

  • Suitable marker