Ever wondered how to get a totally vintage look on your t-shirts? Apart from wearing them to pieces, here is a fast way of making them look older than they really are.


  1. Leave the t-shirt out in the sun. If you wrinkle it up, it will leave a neat effect.
  2. Use bleach as a reverse tie dye.
  3. Wash it many times.
  4. Try a solution of the juice of one lemon dissolved in enough water to saturate the t-shirt. Hang it in the sun until it fades to the shade you want. This will take a while, however. Perhaps begin in winter and leave it on the windowsill until summertime.
  5. Finished.


  • Try hanging your shirt from one of your car windows, or another location that is constantly under direct sunlight.
  • If you use lemon, strain the juice before putting the t-shirt in the solution.


  • Be careful when working with bleach. You don't want to put a hole in your clothing.
  • It can take a long time to fade a t-shirt by using the sun.