How to make your very own amazing, decorative pillow cover!


  1. Find a nice fabric that you like. Choose one which has a nice design or bright colours.
  2. Measure the fabric and cut it to the size you want.
  3. Iron the fabric to remove all creases.
  4. Tack the sides together to secure them in place.
  5. Sew the sides together, but leave approximately 5 inches unsewn for you to turn the pillow case the right way and to stuff the case.
  6. Once you have sewn the case, put your hand in it and turn it so the design is on the outside.
  7. Stuff the case with stuffing; you can buy it from craft shops. If not use old cut-off fabric.
  8. Free hand sew the 5 inches left to close the gap, so no stuffing will come out.
  9. Put your pillow on display.


  • You could use an old favorite t-shirt to give your pillow a good look.
  • Print a photo onto photo fabric to give your pillow a more personalized look to give to family members on special occasions.
  • Use fabric glue instead of sewing if it's easier.


  • It is always better to wear glasses when using on a sewing machine.
  • Make sure fabric is clean if you get it from a charity shop.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric
  • A sewing machine or thread and needles
  • Stuffing
  • (Fabric glue)