Screen printing (sometimes called silkscreening, or serigraphy) is a fantastic artistic technique which is especially useful for printing onto material. The process is easy, versatile and relatively cheap so everyone should give it a go! This article will help get you started.
- First design your print. Think of something interesting and draw it on to a piece of paper. For beginners it's best to use only one color but later on you can use more.
- Use a craft knife to cut out all the coloured parts of your design. Keep the surrounding blank paper in tact. You have now made your stencil.
- Get your material you want to print onto (cloth or paper)
Place the silk screen over your stencil so the mesh is directly on top and the handles are facing up.
- Spoon out some paint and make a line of paint at the top of the mesh part of the silk screen (the part furthest away).
Use the squeegee to spread the paint over the mesh. Try to do it with one downwards movement...or the least number of strokes possible (always vertical though).
- Once you reach the bottom keep going and scoop the excess paint up the handle to be reused.
- Lift the silkscreen and the stencil and any other paper off the material together.
- Leave to dry.
- If you printed onto clothing then once it is dry you need to put a sheet of greasing or tracing paper over your design and iron it.
- If the edges of your stencil are all rough or you keep ripping it then you are probably not holding the craft knife correctly.
- A friend is useful to hold down the silk screen
- Spread the paint in only one direction
- You can look through magazines for designs instead of drawing your own or print off a photo and cut out parts of that.
- Craft knives are sharp - be careful. Always put away or cover the blade when not in use.
- Use a cutting mat so you don't scratch the table
- Paint will stain, wear old clothes.
Things You'll Need
- Pencil/Pen/colours
- Cutting Mat/durable surface
- Coloured Paper
- Craft Knife
- Paint suitable for screen printing (fabric paint)
- Silk Screen
- Cloth or Paper to print onto
- Squeegee