"Shebori" is a form of Japanese tie-dye, looks beautiful on a silk scarf and can make a statement about you or someone you love. This process takes only twenty-four hours from start to finish.
Gather the Thing's You'll Need listed in the section below.
Tie the scarf up in little rosettes using your finger to bundle it up. Tie so that it makes a ruffle. You won't want knots in your thread, but you do want it fairly tight so that it holds.
Set up your work area with newspaper.
Mix the colours that you want.
- Apply the first colour all over where you want it on the scarf. Do NOT dip the scarf in the paint.
- Apply the second colour. Don't worry about letting it dry.
- For a flower effect, dip your brush in the third colour and flick it all over the scarf.
Place your scarf on a few layers of paper towels or more newspaper and allow it to dry overnight and for most of the next day.
Begin to unravel the string and flatten the scarf. To give it character, do not iron it out unless you like a flat scarf.
Embellish as you will. Shells, sequins, buttons, etc.
Things You'll Need
- Scarf (at least 30% silk and 70% Rayon)
- Paintbrush
- Jacquard silk dye