This article describes a very easy and inexpensive way to paint a saree.
- Wash, dry and iron the cloth you intend to make your saree out of.
- Choose the side you wish to paint.
- Clamp this side to the wooden board using binder clips.
- On the border, mark approximately a 12 cm thick strip, along the length of the cloth. This will be the border of your saree.
- Using the 3D outliner, draw the pattern you wish to, on the inner and outer side (it can be a straight line or wavy line or some pattern depending on how you wish it to be).
- Let the pattern dry (it takes about 2-3 hours for drying).
- Now paint the central region using fabric paints and make patterns of your choice.
- Once the paint dries, you can stick sequins using the fabric glue in the unpainted regions. Stick them at even distances so that they shine as the orientation of light changes.
- After the paint dries, you can outline the painted patterns with 3D outliner of your choice. It's better to choose a colour that contrasts well with both the saree colour and fabric colour, for example, on a red saree with black fabric paint, silver makes a good contrast.
- Let the 3D outliner dry.
- Shift the saree to following part and paint similarly until all the border on one side is painted.
- If you intend to create a "palloo", choose a richly decorated pattern with sequins and fabric paint being used.
- Stitch beads to the outer side of the palloo to make it heavier so that it stays in place. This step is optional.
- Beads can also be stuck to give the saree a royal look.
- You can use satin ribbons to create borders as well.
- Do not move the saree until all the paint and 3D outliner is dry.
Things You'll Need
- A 5 to 5.5 m full width cloth of a desired colour
- Fabric paints of the choicest colours
- Painting brushes
- A thick square wooden plank about 1m x 1m in size
- Binder clips to secure the cloth on the plank
- 3D Fabric outliners
- Sequins and beads (optional)
- A contrast colour pencil (if the saree is black, choose white colour pencil for marking)
- Fabric glue