Helps keep colours in vegetable dyed clothing from running!


  1. In porcelain or heavy duty plastic basin, put a handful of rock salt.
  2. Put in 95L (or 1 qt) white vinegar.
  3. Put clothing item into basin, let soak overnight.
  4. Take item out, rinse thoroughly (vinegar odour will fade as it dries).
  5. Optional: Wash alone in COLD water.
  6. Hang to dry.


  • Always wash items that may fade in like (similar) colours, & in COLD water!


  • NEVER mix bleach or other chemicals (besides the rock salt) in ANY container!

Things You'll Need

  • Rock Salt (up to 24L, or 8oz).
  • White Vinegar (95L, or 1 32 fl oz).