If you have a love of all things make able, and love fabric, sewing and other such things, then starting a fabric store could be the thing that you need. Sure, it takes a little money and a lot of time and effort, but if you are planning to take it seriously, it can be a rewarding and fun experience.
- Think whether you are willing and able to take the store seriously. Bear in mind that, if you are to go through with this, then it will be a business as well as a hobby.
- Think of the location. Do you think that there is is a market for the fabric store in your area? Why? Is the reason that you want to start a fabric store because you saw one on the high street, and think that you should give it a go, or because you have always loved sewing. Are you in it for money or pleasure? Bear in mind that, even if you believe and your customers believe that your store is the best of the best, the crem de la crem, as it were, if there is another store on the high street, there will be a lot of competition.
- A good option is to go on the Internet. You can still have a name, and even a logo, but there is a much bigger market and on places such as EBay and Etsy, you have a dedicated audience, who are looking for something in particular instead of just browsing. Also, it is easier to use the Internet, because you do not need to pay for employees, hire, insurance, store or such a big stock.
- Think of a name. No matter whether you are online or on ground, you will need to have a catchy name, although less so online, as people usually don't tend to pass on eBay user's names. If your fabric is quite retro, call it something retro. If it is hippy, something hippy. If it is old fashioned, call it something old fashioned. Surely you get the idea?
- Think of your budget. Bear in mind that if you are opening a shop front, then you will need a much larger budget than online. If you are opening it online, you will not need to pay for employees, hire, insurance or such a big stock, whereas If you are opening an actual shop then you will need to have a much larger budget. Also, if you are opening a shop, then you will always need a stock, whereas an online business can be operated with three items of fabric.
- Think of your suppliers. If you are going to make your own fabric, you needn't read this bit, however if you aren't, then read on. You should probably go into a current fabric store and casually ask about suppliers in a friendly manner, or you could just google it. Or do both.
- Buy your inventory.
- Keep in mind that a shop usually makes a considerable amount more profit than an online account.
- Know that an online business can be operated part time, whereas a shop can't.
Things You'll Need
- A love and knowledge of sewing, fabric and handicrafts
- A little bit of start up money
- A sense of fun!
- A market