Looking for a fun way to spice up your wardrobe? Why not bring out your artistic side and tie dye a shirt with Kool-Aid? It's fun, simple, and cheap. Making tie dye shirts is a fun project that has great results at the end.


  1. Put gloves on and change into old clothes. This can be quite messy.
  2. Fill the cups up a little over halfway with cold water.
     Fill the cups up a little over halfway with cold water.
    Fill the cups up a little over halfway with cold water.
  3. Rip open the Kool-Aid packets of your desired color and pour it into the cups of water individually.
     Rip open the Kool-Aid packets of your desired color and pour it into the cups of water individually.
    Rip open the Kool-Aid packets of your desired color and pour it into the cups of water individually.
  4. Stir with a spoon until the mixture has completely dissolved.
  5. Pour a cap full of vinegar into each cup and stir it with a spoon.
     Pour a cap full of vinegar into each cup and stir it with a spoon.
    Pour a cap full of vinegar into each cup and stir it with a spoon.
  6. Using rubber bands, pull and twist the T-shirt around to create a warped shape.
     Using rubber bands, pull and twist the T-shirt around to create a warped shape.
    Using rubber bands, pull and twist the T-shirt around to create a warped shape.
  7. Dip the rubber banded ends of the shirt into the desired colors (also any other desired parts of t-shirt).
     Dip the rubber banded ends of the shirt into the desired colors (also any other desired parts of t-shirt).
    Dip rubber banded ends of t-shirt into desired colors. Also any desired parts of the shirt into the mix.
  8. When finished dipping the t-shirt, place it into a plastic grocery bag and tie up, allowing no air in the bag.
     When finished dipping the t-shirt, place it into a plastic grocery bag and tie up, allowing no air in the bag.
    When finished dipping the t-shirt, place it into a plastic grocery bag and tie to make it airtight.
  9. Allow t-shirt to sit in the bag for 24 hours before removing from bag.
    Allow t-shirt to sit in the bag for 24 hours before removing from bag.
     Allow t-shirt to sit in the bag for 24 hours before removing from bag.
  10. Wash and dry the shirt.
  11. Enjoy your new Kool-Aid tie dye shirt!


  • Placing rubber bands in different ways can create different designs on your shirt.


  • Kool-Aid may stain furniture.
  • Do not pre-wash t-shirt with fabric softener or the Kool-Aid will not absorb well.
  • This will get messy so this experiment is best done outside.
  • Do not drink the Kool-Aid afterwards.

Things You'll Need

  • Pre-washed white t-shirt
  • Unsweetened Kool-Aid packets (variety)
  • White vinegar
  • Plastic cups
  • Rubber bands
  • Plastic gloves
  • Grocery bag