Left over or broken tiles can be used to make unique and beautiful mosaic designs rather than just getting thrown away. Here is a wikiHow to guide to making a mosaic from broken tiles.


  1. Get an idea in your head of what kind of mosaic you would like to make. Sketch a basic drawing of what you would like it to look like when it finishes. This can be as detailed as you want, but it just has to give you a guide.
  2. Next, head over to your local hardware or floor store and select and buy the tiles you would like to use. This includes color and texture, or anything that you like. You could also go dumpster diving to find old tiles. These should be ceramic. (If your mosaic will be used where it may be subjected to freezing temperatures, the tiles should be porcelain that is frost resistant.) You may want to purchase a tile cutter if you are looking for a dramatic, organized mosaic with square pieces. You should also buy some tile adhesive and cement.
  3. With your safety glasses and protective gloves on, throw your tiles at any hard object, or simply drop them. In order to avoid major scratches, lay a thin comforter over the ground. Or score and cut with the tile cutter. These are great stress relievers and they don't hurt anyone.
  4. Gather your broken tiles into color categories. This will help you when it comes time to actually put them into place.
  5. Now it comes time to make the mosaic. When you have all of your broken tile pieces, lay them onto the surface that you will decorate. Again, this can be anything at all. 
  6. Now, take your pieces and slide them into the wooden frame (if not already there). They might scatter a little, but if you are careful, it should not be too bad. Slide the attempted escapees back into place.
  7. Now, individually glue each piece into place with the tile adhesive.
  8. Once the tiles have set, mix up the cement with water until it is of the consistency described on the cement bag (liquid but not runny). Now put the cement/water mix over all the tiles and using a soft cloth rub off the excess that covers the tile pieces.
  9. You now have a beautiful Mosaic!


  • Plaster of Paris can be used in place of cement.
  • You can add food coloring to the cement to tint it.


  • The pieces may be sharp; wear safety glasses and gloves while breaking the tiles.
  • Take great care when mixing and using cement or tile grout.

Things You'll Need

  • Materials
    • Colored tiles
    • A piece of cardboard large enough to hold your mosaic
    • A laminating liquid
    • Cement or tile grout
  • Tools
  • Hammer
    • Something to apply the adhesive to the back of the tiles. Such as a popsicle stick.
    • Sponge