Have you ever wanted to try a quick and easy printing method to put a design on a surface? Here is a very basic tutorial.


  1. Start with a block of foam a little bit bigger than the design you want. Sketch a design on the foam to create a stamp that you will use for printing.
  2. Cut out your stamp with a craft knife, then glue it onto a wooden block.
  3. Paint the foam. You can use multiple colors, but be careful where they touch if you want a clean edge. Use paint that is appropriate for the surface you are planning to print on.
  4. Press the stamp firmly against a clean surface. Hold for a few seconds, then release without moving the stamp from side to side at all. If you want a border or other design made up of repeating images, continue printing, adding paint every few times. You can also play with different tones by printing some darker, some lighter designs.
  5. Let the paint dry fully.


  • Always have a clean surface and working area.
  • Try tracing your design on paper first, particularly if it's very complicated.


  • Paint may be permanent so use with caution.