Be creative and recycle your old wax candles by making a wax figure; guaranteed to animate any festive season.


  1. Buy a mould in the likeness of a figure. Any kind of mould will work: cooking, clay, soap, plaster moulds are all adequate. This trick isn't limited to just figures either; try it with all kinds of shapes. If you do not wish to spend money on a mould, Christmas advent calenders have small moulds behind each chocolate which also work wonderfully.
  2. Buy yourself a bunch of wax candles or find some old ones at home. You can create yourself a funky figurine by using different coloured candles.
  3. Light the candles in a bowl. Liquid wax should start to collect in the the bottom of the bowl. You only need enough liquid wax to fill up your mould.
  4. Blow out the candles and remove any lingering wick and solid wax.
  5. Pour the liquid wax into the mould. Be swift or the wax may solidify prematurely.
  6. If you wish to turn your wax figure into a candle, this is the instant when you should slip your new wick in.
  7. Let it cool until the wax has entirely solidified. Place the mould in the fridge to shorten the process.
  8. Pop the figure out of the mould and place it for all to see.


  • be ready to pour the wax as soon as the candle wanes.
  • You don't have to use candle wax, try heating crayons instead.


  • Wax is extremely hot and will burn your skin on contact. You may wish to wear gloves especially if children are involved.

Things You'll Need

  • Candles
  • Mould
  • Lighter
  • Bowl
  • Wick (optional)