Sealing wax has been used for centuries as a method of officially sealing messages closed. Envelopes today have their own adhesives, but sealing waxes and seals are a fun way to add pizazz and to customize your letters and cards. If you have sealing wax beads, it's a cinch to create your own sealed messages.


  1. Light a candle that is firmly anchored in a steady holder.
  2. Place 3 or more wax beads into a melting spoon, and hold the spoon above the flame until the wax melts. (Holding the spoon directly in the flame will create soot, which can get into the wax.)
  3. Pour the melted wax onto your project.
  4. Wait for 10-15 seconds, then press your seal firmly into the wax before it hardens.
  5. Lift the seal slowly off the wax. If it comes away and the wax is still quite soft, wait a little longer before pressing down the seal.


  • Experiment with the hot wax to find the right amount of waiting time, in order to get the sharpest impression from your seal.
  • One full melting spoon will be enough wax to create a complete seal.


  • Don't leave the candle burning unattended.
  • Be careful not to spill hot wax on yourself - you may get a serious burn.