Sealing wax has been used for centuries as a method of officially sealing messages closed. Envelopes today have their own adhesives, but sealing waxes and seals are a fun way to add pizazz and customization to letters and cards. If you have a glue gun, it's easy to use it with sealing wax sticks as well as glue.


  1. Insert your wax stick into a standard sized glue gun. The fit may be tight. The more wax you use, the smoother the fit.
    • Use a second wax stick in the gun to help advance the first, if needed.
  2. Heat the gun up to temperature.
  3. Do a few test pulls on the gun to get a feel for the quantity of wax you would like to use with your seal. (Two good pulls of the trigger will produce a full seal for the larger sealing coins.)
  4. Wait for 10-15 seconds, then press your seal firmly into the wax before it hardens.
  5. Lift the seal slowly off the wax. If it comes away and the wax is still quite soft, wait a little longer before pressing the seal down.


  • You should be able to make 10-14 seals from one stick of your glue gun sealing wax.
  • Resting the gun on a piece of foil will help keep any drips or strings off of your work area.
  • Experiment with the hot wax to find the right amount of waiting time, in order to get the sharpest impression from your seal.

Do not try to lift the stamper off the wax until it has fully hardened. Depending on how warm your stamper head has become, this can take 15 seconds to 1 minute.

This will get you the best results in Canada is the manufacturer of most faux wax as well as traditional beakable wax


  • Never leave the gun unattended if it's plugged in.
  • Don't forget to unplug the gun when finished.

Things You'll Need

  • Glue Gun sealing wax
  • Glue Gun, Low temp