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Wonderfully elegant, traditional and romantic; sealing wax has never gone out of style.


  1. You should be able to make 10-14 seals with a 3/4" embossing coin from one stick of standard sealing wax candles.
  2. Light the wick and hold the wax stick at a slight 20 degree angle (lit end down).
  3. Holding the stick directly on & over the area where you wish to make your seal, allow the melting wax to pull itself onto the project creating a pool large enough for the sealing coin.
  4. If you find the wax begins to set while you are still melting the wax, move the candle around the area to mix hot wax with the cooler wax.
  5. Emboss wax with your seal by pressing the coin into the wax, allow the wax to set, and lift seal straight up.
  6. If you find the wax won't let go of the seal, simply let your seal rest on the wax until the wax is completely cool, then lift your seal off.


  • You can also use highlighting ink on your seal prior to embossing to help the wax release the seal, as well as creating a dimensional look on your seal.
  • This method of sealing wax is great to use for one or two seals.
  • One can use this style of wax easily while on the go.
  • Available in a large assortments of wonderful colors.
  • Can be slow to use for large projects unless you melt down the sticks.


  • Melted wax is hot!
  • If it gets onto your skin, immediately cool with water, then attempt to remove by slowly peeling away from skin.